BHS News

List of 5 news stories.

  • Bobcats Shine at BHS Track Meet

    The BHS Track Meet is one of our best-loved traditions, 向我们地区的其他学校开放我们的校园,进行两天的友好竞争和同志情谊. 该活动在4-8年级田径课结束时举行,深受学生和家长的欢迎, as it is for our visitors. On Thursday, for the JH event we welcomed athletes from Buckley, Chime, Mirman, Country, and Woodcrest while on Friday, students from Mirman, Delphi, 伍德克雷斯特和洛斯恩西诺斯参加了中级赛区. 周五的会议是我们迄今为止规模最大的一次,有200多名学生参加. 迈尔斯教练指出,有更多的学校要求参加这次会议,我们期待明年再接待100名JH学生.
    “This year in junior high, BHS had a top 3 finisher in nearly every event,迈尔斯教练说,他指出,中国在这个级别有优秀的运动员,在男子比赛中占主导地位. 
    While our Bobcats tried hard, and brought home some exciting wins, 这场比赛最大的收获是赛场上随处可见的体育精神和团队精神. One of those heart-warming moments was Mr. Evan Lignier watching 8th grader David H. come within .1 seconds of breaking his 15-year record in the 100 m. race. Mr. Lignier was at the finish line supporting David who won the event, but came just short of breaking the school record.
    在此,我要向所有帮助这次活动的人表示衷心的感谢, 尤其是那些在零食店和田径比赛中做志愿者的父母. The meet would not be possible without your help and support.
    Go, Bobcats!
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  • Electives Put on a Great Show

    On Friday, March 1st, we hosted our first ever BHS Electives Showcase in Hodges Theater. 这次活动吸引了好奇的家长和四年级及以上的学生前来观看我们的中学生分享他们对选修课的学习和热情. 展示会以学生放映电影预告片开始, followed by a performance by the Mock Trial team. 随后,嘉宾参观了车站,并体验了机器人公司展示的令人印象深刻的项目, Sculpture Workshop, Fiber Arts, Shield, 和戏剧课,然后走到外面观看教练选修课的表演.
    Here’s Ava K. talking about her experience in the Fiber Arts elective:
    “我们在第一周做钩针编织,然后转向刺绣和编织. 我们做了各种可爱的艺术项目,非常努力地工作,我们都为自己的工作感到自豪. Somebody knitted a basketball court with little players. A lot of students made crochet projects, too. 我做了一个睡莲,我刺绣了,我觉得效果很好. 我必须学习不同的缝纫方式,这对我来说是第一次,所以有点难. But I did end up learning a lot. 这是一个很好的选修课来提高你的创造力,我真的很喜欢它."

  • Thank You BHS Peer Tutors!

    Over the last three months, 下午,图书馆里挤满了不同年龄的学生,他们一起学习数学和语言艺术, engaged in the BHS peer tutoring program. 今年,25名初中生自愿为30名一年级至七年级的学生提供课外辅导, 在任何一天,图书馆里都充满了生产力和进步的声音,这是这个美妙的社区项目的一部分. "I liked connecting with people", said Ella S., a veteran peer tutor. "Helping people makes me happy", added Brady W., an exceptional 8th grade student himself. “辅导年幼的孩子,只是看到他们脸上的笑容是我一天中最重要的事情!", said 8th grade Ali R, another veteran peer tutor. "I liked the opportunity to share my ideas", said Kyle S., an advanced 8th grade math student. "I like being a good example for younger students", said Winston K., a new peer tutor this year, who tutored both math and writing. 该项目于本周结束,导师们因工作出色而获得了披萨午餐的奖励! 他们将在6月3日的年终表彰大会上再次获得表彰.
  • SoFi Stadium Soccer Match


    “上个星期天,男孩JH足球队有机会在索菲亚体育场踢足球! Kadima, 圣费尔南多谷私立学校联盟的另一所学校向我们山猫队发出了邀请,提出要在球场上举办一场11对11的比赛. 这是伯克利大厅第一次参加这样的比赛,这对男孩们来说是一个很好的机会,他们将在2月晚些时候的季后赛第一轮与球队进行比赛. 学生和家长有机会到球场上探索体育场,因为球场的另一半设有篮球场和排球场. 伯克利大厅在比赛开始时表现强劲,多次通过传球创造机会, but were unable to convert any into goals. 前进党在第一次射门被扑出后以一球结束了上半场,并以1-0结束了比赛. 这是山猫在SoFi的第一场比赛,希望不是最后一场! Thanks to all the families and students who attended the game."
  • Youngest Alumni Return to BHS

    上周五,2023届毕业生回到校园团聚. 九年级学生在图书馆与同学们一起享受披萨晚餐和智力问答游戏. 他们还与以前的老师和管理人员呆在一起,并有机会向我们讲述他们高中头几个月的生活. For many, 这是他们毕业后第一次见面,他们都很高兴能来. 他们的父母与管理人员和工作人员一起参加了创新实验室的另一个招待会,并在开胃菜和甜点上度过了美好的时光.
    当晚最精彩的节目之一,是由刘先生策划的问答游戏. 包括毕业生最喜欢伯克利大厅方面的问题, fun facts about their teachers, and a round of real time voting for their fellow classmates. Who do you think will get the Nobel Prize in the Class of 2023? And who is most likely to come back and teach at BHS? We’ll let you guess!

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Located in Los Angeles, CA, Berkeley Hall School is a private, coeducational school for students in preschool through grade 8. 严谨的学术氛围和扎实的性格发展使学生成为无所畏惧的学者和尽职尽责的公民-获得对学习的热爱, leadership with social responsibility, creativity with moral integrity, and self-esteem with compassion for others and the environment.